A boy named Kumani

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Erikorm · 7

First of all, this is a deck meant for expert. Kymani the man has a cool ability - and we plan to use it - but more so he is just a solid green boy with 5 foot and good card pool.

This was supposed to be a The Skeleton Key + Lantern deck before I realized that it doesn't work. So now we clue with Thieves' Kit, Flashlight, Breaking and Entering, and Intel Report.

Other than that, we basically just want as many actiona as possibleactions and sufficient foot to evade the enemies. I wanted to run the The Black Fan + Well Connected (for the extra action and to be able to deal with some random tests along the way), so the last thing we need is cash. Luckily, if we have sufficient actions, Pay Day should deal with some of our cash issues.

So then we just pack all the value green stuff. Kymanis free 5xp gets us Charon's Obol pre first mission to help pay for some of it. For the rest we just need a friend with double Delve Too Deep.

And then it's all as usual: Leo De Luca + The Black Fan + Borrowed Time + Haste + The Red Clock gives you around 10 actions on your up-turns which should be plenty.

Gené Beauregard + Lola Santiago give you enough stats to evade all enemies and trigger your ability.

All in all, seems like it could work out, once we have some xp and a few turns to set up.