Vincent Lee Is Geared Up & Ready [Deck Guide]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Vincent Lee Is Geared Up & Ready For Taboo 0 0 0 1.0

xTacsx · 204


Enemy Management: ★★☆☆☆
Cluegetting: ★★★★☆
Encounter protection: ★★★☆☆
Survivability: ★★★★★
Resource Economy: ★★★★☆
Card Draw: ★★★★☆


Obviously, the card that this deck is built around is Geared Up. Therefore, you wanna make sure that you got as many Items as possible in your opening hand, favorably Backpack and/or Schoffner's Catalogue. Those two will give you more resources & cards in your Geared Up-Turn in order to let you play even more Items. After your first turn you basically just do what Vincent does well anyway. This deck is rather designed for Multiplayer although you could technically also run it in Solo. So you primarily want to investigate with Grim Memoir & Magnifying Glass and heal yourself & your mates. However, you definitely also want to fight with Vincent's Bonesaw since it gives you actionless & easy heals in combination with Jessica Hyde or Bandages in order to trigger your ability.


You should prioritize Items in your opening hand mulligan most of the time even if they have no real use yet and/or you're missing other important cards. As already said earlier, Backpack & Schoffner's Catalogue are the most important cards for your opening hand. They're also most efficient when you can play them with Geared Up since you get a nice little cost reduction & can play them without spending an action. Additionally, you also want at least an Item that helps you investigating and Bonesaw because it's the only card for enemy management and is a very neat synergy piece. Other non-item assets that are nice in your opening hand are the Tarot card ofc, Jessica Hyde or Arcane Enlightenment. Personally, I think that - except for the tarot card - you should mulligan even those in order to make the most out of Geared Up. However, this depends on your other starting cards and I'm definitely happy to see those in my post-mulligan hand.

Encounter protection:

This deck doesn't really have any cards that boost your or . You just either just tank the damage & horror and heal it or you use On the Mend for a +2 (+3 with Grisly Totem) on crucial tests. Note that Vincent is gonna fail literally every test without help and is gonna have at least have some trouble with his mediocre of 3. However, since most of the -treacheries are gonna make you suffer damage, they're are no real threat and actually helpful to trigger your ability.


This deck is designed to do actionless heals most of the time with Jessica Hyde & Bandages. There are also some situationally useful healing events like Bizarre Diagnosis to deal with Wounded Bystander in 1 action or Emergency Aid if someone really needs the heal. In the Level 0 deck the only way to heal horror is Smoking Pipe although you probably should upgrade it into Girish Kadakia (& Charisma) pretty soon. Additonally, I would always take In the Thick of It and start with 2 physical trauma because Vincent just doesn't die by taking too much damage and can just heal it. It also makes sure that Vincent's -effect is never wasted.

Upgrade Path:

 Cost  Total
In The Thick Of It 0 XP
   In the Thick of It  →  Jessica Hyde 1 XP 1 XP
   In the Thick of It  →  Jessica Hyde 1 XP 2 XP
   In the Thick of It  →  Death • XIII 1 XP 3 XP
Geared Up Synergy 0 XP
    →  Studious ••• 3 XP 3 XP
    →  Studious ••• 3 XP 6 XP
   Backpack    Backpack •• 2 XP 8 XP
   Backpack    Backpack •• 2 XP 10 XP
   Eureka!  →  At a Crossroads 1 XP 11 XP
   Eureka!  →  At a Crossroads 1 XP 12 XP
Better Healing 0 XP
   Smoking Pipe  →  Girish Kadakia •••• 4 XP 4 XP
    →  Charisma ••• 3 XP 7 XP
   Emergency Aid  →  Surgical Kit ••• 3 XP 10 XP
   Bandages  →  Surgical Kit ••• 3 XP 13 XP
Other Priority Upgrades 0 XP
   Archaic Glyphs    Archaic Glyphs ••• 3 XP 3 XP
   Grisly Totem    Grisly Totem ••• 3 XP 6 XP
   Shortcut  →  Scientific Theory ••• 3 XP 9 XP
   Shortcut  →  Hiking Boots 1 XP 10 XP
Consistency Upgrades 0 XP
    →  Soul Sanctification ••• 6 XP 6 XP
   Deduction    Deduction •• 2 XP 8 XP
   Deduction    Deduction •• 2 XP 10 XP
   Magnifying Glass  →  Ice Pick ••• 3 XP 13 XP
   Bizarre Diagnosis  →  Sharp Vision 1 XP 14 XP

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May 16, 2023 slothgodfather · 7

How about the upgrade path of the Raven Quill?