The Luke Robinson Pendat of Queen (taboo recharge)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


  • When you activate dream gate, you activate Whitton Greene trigered hability
  • You can find Winds of Power and play for free.
  • You can get out Luke's weakness with pendt of queen, mooving for any location.

Sugested Upgrade Path

2x Whitton Greene > Whitton Greene for 2 xp with Down the Rabbit Hole

1x Rite of Seeking > Rite of Seeking with Arcane Research

or Shrivellingspent 1 xp if you need deal more with monsters.

Try to maximize XP gain with Down the Rabbit Hole and Arcane Research

cycle your deck more fast possible, with Scroll of Secrets, Whitton Greene and Occult Lexicon.


May 29, 2022 Garzila · 1

Cant find Winds of Power with Word of Command..