Soul Eater Akachi

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

EntropyEJ · 229

The idea for this deck is to utilize both Decorated Skull and Wish Eater to solve the problems that combat mystics usually face.

This deck is a stripped down version of a deck I recently played through Ages Unwound. And the performance is honestly astonishing, it completely trivializes even the toughest fights.

It shamelessly abuses Cyclopean Hammer as the main means for fighting. Brand to increase consistency. And then relies on the utterly broken interaction between Spirit Speaker, Blur and Close the Circle to entirely control every combat situation.

Close the Circle is a particular standout in the deck since it allows so much of the stuff that you otherwise don't usually have time to do. Mostly I ended up using it for 3 things:

  1. In combination with Spirit Speaker to replay Blur. Something you can then do fast.
  2. Moving for combat maneuverability, something that fighters always benefit greatly from.
  3. Activating Skulls.

My record was a single turn where I managed to take 11 actions, 4 evades and 7 swings of the Hammer. It's hard to express how powerful this feels when it's running.

It buys the start combo to become a Forced Learning deck primarily because I really like Forced Learning on toolbox investigators, aka survivors and mystics. I really enjoy just tossing the cards that are simply not useful in the current situation, which also justifies including some utility cards that otherwise likely wouldn't make the cut. Open Gate, Read the Signs, Meditative Trance, and quite a few of the skill cards all got discarded more often than not. And Forced Learning is another class for Close the Circle which will play with 5 charges when the deck is up and running.

This deck should hard mulligan for Hammers, Brands and Skulls, and I never missed on having a combat option entirely, since Blur does allow you to buy some extra time as well, though with it being a 50 card deck that is still a worry.