(Final) Full Greed Lola Hayes: (Light EotE Spoilers)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Full Greed Lola Hayes: the InBestigator (Hard) (2+ Players) 87 63 17 1.0
Inspiration for
The Mighty Actress with scrolls 1 0 0 1.0
The Mighty Actress with scrolls 1 0 0 2.0

Searns · 467

This ended up being my final list for Full Greed Lola. A lot of people were asking for Exp versions of the deck. For a deck write-up check the inspired by tab.

Some notes on the choices: The Red Clock was a great addition, highly recommend if you want more money. Not a triggered ability, so she just gets it for free no matter the role.

The Star • XVII effectively doubles your health bar. I was one exp off of buying a second one, or I would have. My final buy was Anna Kaslow, Charisma, and 2 Ace of Swords. This engine ended up being pretty effective, and I might have wished I had drawn it earlier.

Finally, and extremely importantly: Shrine of the Moirai is absolutely obscene with gang up. It turns Lola into a boss killing machine. Multiple times, big bads came out, and Lola Hayes was able to just delete them out of existence because of this combo'd with 1 Improvisation. You'll notice it's not in my deck because our very generous resident Wendy Adams player bought it for me.

Also, also, do NOT buy Crystalline Elder Sign unless you have a +1 in your bag. I bought it because my weakness was Day of Reckoning, and it became a running joke that I would seal the elder sign every game for the entirety of the game. By this point our cluever was online, and we were smashing through the campaign. I once FIRST ACTION of the game sealed the elder sign, for the whole game. I bought it as a joke more than anything.


Apr 05, 2022 Atreju · 1

awesome deck. In my version, I switched Leo for Guard dog (Creature slot synergy with Rod of Animalism) and added Lucid Dreaming to Turbo out my Sled Dogs.

Apr 12, 2022 Krushvarrok · 14

What is your upgrade path from derived deck?