Red Clock Trish - 5 actions per turn

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dr.Macaquito · 504

Just finished Egde of the Earth Solo with this deck and wanted to share it, because it has been a blast to play.

Mulligan for Eldritch Sophist, The Red Clock and Backpack. Redraw everything else. You want to find Eldritch Sophist now, if possible.

Play The Red Clock and Eldritch Sophist as soon as possible. Search for The Red Clock by playing Backpack, if you don't have it in your opening hand.

After placing the third charge on The Red Clock and getting 2 extra actions, use Eldritch Sophist to move one charge from The Red Clock to another card of your choice. Goods targets are Pendant of the Queen, Obfuscation or Blur for even more extra actions after an evade.

You now will be putting the third charge on The Red Clock again at the beginning of your next round and will receive the two bonus actions again.

If you know that you will have to pass a skill check during your turn, you can instead take all charges for ressources from The Red Clock at the beginning of your turn. You will then place one charge and get the +4 bonus for your first skill check. During your turn you can then use Eldritch Sophist to move a second charge on The Red Clock from somewhere else. You will then get two bonus actions again during your next turn.

Use Leather Jacket to soak the damage you might get from using Blur.

This deck is quite fast. The only cards that need actions to play them are Blur, The Red Clock, Eldritch Sophist and Backpack.

For a starting decklist, replace The Red Clock with Lucky Cigarette Case, Perception with Perception, Magnifying Glass with Magnifying Glass and Blur with Blur. Drop Relic Hunter, one of the Backpacks and all the Segments of Onyx and include two Slip Away and two Breaking and Entering. You need 3 XP from In the Thick of It for this starting list.

Have fun and feel free to comment.

Edit: Just found this decklist, which does the Red-Clock-and-Eldritch-Sophist trick with the level 2 Version of the Red Clock in an Ursula deck.

Edit 2: …and this version for Trish :)


Jan 17, 2022 dr31ns5mf · 1

This sounds amazing. I'm gonna give it a try.

Jan 18, 2022 Dr.Macaquito · 504

Thank you and have fun. I would love to hear how it worked.