
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

wjr · 148

I thought that "green only" would make a boring deck but I was wrong! While there aren't that many options for Winni as there are for some of her colleagues her special ability makes her really fun to play.

This is a typical "big money" rogue deck with Wini draw engine. You can substitute Hatchet Man with Manual Dexterity and Easy Mark with Hot Streak if you prefer. Hatchet Man hits rarely, but when it does it makes a difference, and Easy Mark is cheaper (both ways) than Hot Streak + with all the card draw odds for having two to play are quite good.


2 Lockpicks -> 2 Lockpicks (1)

2 Emergency Cache + 1 Streetwise -> 3 Easy Mark (1)

2 Backstab -> 1 .25 Automatic (2) + 1 Backstab (3)

2 Lucky Cigarette Case -> 2 Lucky Cigarette Case (3)

2 Unexpected Courage -> 2 All In (5)


Aug 20, 2021 Sleben · 1

I don't think it could be Big Money without Faustian Bargain, right?

Aug 20, 2021 wjr · 148

"medium, but clean, money"? (E-Caches could definitely be Faustian Bargains instead)