Chaos Samaras FIXED (Dumb Luck series VI)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Brownloaf · 693

This deck is a slightly altered version of the Zoey Samaras deck that I used for series 6 of Dumb Luck, which saw a completely random Zoey Samaras deck, with completely random upgrades take on the Dunwich Legacy. Here are links to the final deck and playlist if you are interested:

What is a FIXED deck?
With this deck I have tried to create a deck comprising almost entirely of cards which appeared in the original chaos run. I have allowed myself to use 10% (3 cards) of the deck slots for cards that didn't appear in the series, and I have also allowed myself to change the amount of each card I use in the deck. Apart form that this will ONLY contain the cards fate drew for me, during this campaign. The aim here is to maintain the SPIRIT of the deck, whilst hopefully making it a fully (or mostly) playable deck.

The extra 10%!!
Well to be honest this wasn't a particularly hard pick!! From the very first scenario I was begging the upgrade deck to give me Keen Eye, and sadly it never delivered. Whilst this is not a particularly strong card in terms of it's economy, it was pretty much the one card in the upgrade possibilities that could have helped me with the Intellect 3 tests in Where Doom Awaits. I was tempted to put in Sixth Sense to help with investigating and because my off-class cards were dreadful, but that feels like too much of a corner cut, and bizarrely, I rarely found myself completely stuck for clues. For my remaining 2 cards, I decided to choose Sleight of Hand. This was really in attempt to help out a real underdog, unsung hero of the campaign Colt Vest Pocket. For over half the campaign this was my only gun, and I just couldn't believe how the upgrade deck was mocking me with both Marksmanship and Extra Ammunition. But man, that little gun saved me twice, and it would be a CRIME for me to dump it. So, I'll try to make it work. What we end up with here is a nice little triad of Sleight of Hand, Police Badge and Colt Vest Pocket. You can sleight the police badge, to give you a full 5 action turn, save a resource, and potentially if luck's with you and you don't need all those actions, let it return to your hand for another day. Sleight and colt, not only lets you get 3 full shots off, but when sleighted it's as good as any other level 0 gun. The badge and colt lets you squeeze off 4 rounds, or let's you play, move, fire three shots (If you don't believe and ask Silas Bishop how he likes that combo). BUT if you get all three to work together.......Amazing. If you can spare a few resources for keen eye, you could take down the experiment in one turn!!!

The other cards.
Much as will always love the Colt Vest Pocket, I can't lie, when .45 Automatic appeared I heaved a huge sigh of relief. Finally I had a solid weapon that I could use against all the anti-melee and retaliate enemies, and make use of the gun tech I'd been granted,
Grete Wagner, carried me through a lot of scenarios, and thankfully stuck around! I even learnt how to pronounce her name by the end!!
Physical Training, this card was huge deal towards the end of the campaign. It was doing some serious work in Undimensioned and Unseen, particularly in conjunction with Dr. Henry Armitage. It wasn't the Keen Eye I was hoping for, but it definitely helped!!
Something Worth Fighting For, sadly left my deck very early on, and was sorely missed as the trauma built up. Welcome back!!
Blood Eclipse, I didn't get a chance to play this but if feels like a good include. Classic 3 health enemy tech.
Cryptic Writings, errrrr, well I didn't want to not use my 5 off-class slots so I had to keep something. This was the best of the bunch, just for the icons.
Evidence! I lost a level zero and gained a level 1 during the campaign. The upgraded effect was never used, so have stuck with level 0.
Extra Ammunition and Marksmanship. Here, this is all about maintaining the spirit of the deck. I never did quite get of that Marksmanship on a Whippoorwill, but it could have happened.
One-Two Punch, this card decide to miss on crucial occasions, but it was handy for deal with my weakness, so stays in.
Desperate Search and Run For Your Life. Desperate cards are a Hallmark of Dumbluck, and these 2 did a HUGE amount of work. They stay!!
Intrepid, I genuinely think this is great Zoey card! She loves willpower checks and then she can get a plus 1 to her 2 weak stats. Lovely. A personal highlight of the whole campaign was committing 2 to a test and pass, then having around where she was 6/4/4/4. Also Police Badge can stretch that effect just a little longer, NICE!!

If you fancy a bit of a challenge, this deck is a blast. The fun goes up as the strength goes down here. Cheers Zoey! It's was fun!!


Mar 25, 2021 AwesomeSorcery · 1

I enjoyed watching Zoey's attempt to climb the hills of Dunwich in Where Doom Awaits! I've not gotten round to playing random decks yet but your video definitely encouraged me to give it a go!

Mar 26, 2021 Brownloaf · 693

@AwesomeSorceryHaha, Thanks so much, quite a frustrating watch no doubt!! Yeah you should definitely try it!! I love the over whelming moment when you first look at the deck! And then slowly pieces of the puzzle start fitting together. Albeit not as was originally intended!! Let me know you get on and thanks for watching!!