A Once and Future Queen - Jacqueline Standalone Mode

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

duke_loves_biscuits · 1243

A standalone Jacqueline deck for one-shot scenarios, game days, or just a target to build towards in a long campaign. If playing standalone, you will need 4x Random Basic Weakness as per standalone rules.

Jacqueline's special ability is very strong, so we want to maximise the use of that, while still fulfilling standard mystic role of destroying enemies and grabbing clues through her spells.

Combat wise, Shards of the Void is surprisingly good. No longer a "backup" Shrivelling, it's actually better than Shrivelling when when you can fish for tokens, as there is a pretty good chance you can seal an extra 0, giving it 5 charges rather than 4 with no "blowback". You'll still want to spend those charges quickly so you can return the 0 to the bag for other investigators. In games where you want to have it idling for longer, then go with the standard Shrivelling. Depending on the campaign and bag you can replace Shrivelling with Azure Flame but remember that damage is probably worse fo you than sanity.

Clue-wise Sixth Sense is so powerful with her ability that you don't need Drawn to the Flame. Use Word of Command and Arcane Initiate to find it.

Crystal Pendulum, Voice of Ra and Uncage the Soul provide plenty of economy. Arguably Emergency Cache is better than Voice of Ra, but I find that you get that 5 resources more often than you get just 1, assuming you have a prediction available to use. Note that for Crystal Pendulum, if you are going to fail a test badly (such as a Agility treachery), you can predict very accurately as your test value can't drop below 0. Otherwise use your Crystal Pendulum in tandem with your prediction usages, calling the most likely number that you want.

Ward of Protection, Deny Existence, Stargazing, Hypnotic Gaze and Parallel Fates provide a pretty solid defence that even Diana players will tip their hat at. Hypnotic Gaze, with Jacqeline's prediction ability and the XP upgrade goes from a fairly middling card to a very strong one, with your chance of reflecting decent damage a lot higher and the cost dropping.

Lastly there is Scrying Mirror which often works better on your allies tests than yours, but does combo really well with Prescient, allowing big toolbox recalls late in the game.


Oct 24, 2023 An_Undecayed_Whately · 1084

Why not run 1 or 2 Ritual Candles? They sometimes make the difference between success and failure when you’re using Sixth Sense or anytime a symbol comes up. More importantly they make your odds of triggering the Crystal Pendulum go up drastically.