Daisy Walker Dunwich solo campaign - 7: Lost in Time and Spa

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scheckel · 107

Scenarios 1-6

Scenario 7: Lost in Time and Space

deck changes:

I completly forgot to add a second weakness in Undimensioned and Unseen. To compensate for that I forfeited the XP from the last scenario and just added the weakness that turned out to be Amnesia

Scenario plans:

Well, obviously, close the rift and win.

Scenario result:

It almost felt like the game tried to punish me for forgetting my second weakness and so really hit me hard with it: Amnesia + Steps of Y'hagharl is a very painfull combination when you rely on Higher Education for passing -tests ... e.g. for leaving the Steps of Y'hagharl.

I think I triggered the hole cycle of discard and reveal the Steps from the encounter deck, draw Amnesia, then fail to cross the Steps due to insufficient three or four times before finally reaching The Edge of the Universe and sealing the rift. My sanity was low enough at this point that a couple of Yithians were enough to drive me over the edge.

So ->R2, still a win.

Campaign Log:

  • the investigators win the campaign...and are never seen or heard from again

Oct 28, 2020 shenaniganz11 · 40

Looks awesome, nice win! and cheers for the ideas. I'm surprised you had just 21 Exp, I had 34 at that point with Zoey, Rex and a couple copies of Delve too Deep.