The Blue-Gloved Woman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Magnificate · 1197

This is the latest iteration of Jenny soloing Dunwich and I'm fairly sure it'll be the last one. With all Dunwich secrets revealed and the trials and tribulations of Jennys Mk3 to Mk8, this deck is constructed exactly the way I want it. Either way the sheer amount of XP gained over the seven scenarios would be difficult to replicate.

The House Always Wins: R2. Jenny rescued Dr. Francis Morgan! O'Bannion gang has a bone to pick with Jenny! 7XP (Clover Club Pit Boss, Servant of the Lurker, VIP Area, Art Gallery, Back Alley, 2x Delve Too Deep)

Extracurricular Activity: R2. Professor Warren Rice was kidnapped! The students were rescued! 5XP (Wizard of Yog-Sothoth, Orne Library, Dormitories, 2x Delve Too Deep)

Interlude I: Jenny rescued Dr. Henry Armitage!

The Miskatonic Museum: R1. Jenny destroyed the Necronomicon! 6XP (Exhibit Hall, Exhibit Hall, Exhibit Hall, Exhibit Hall, Exhibit Hall, Delve Too Deep)

The Essex County Express: R1. -3 Token added to the chaos bag! 5XP (2x Emergent Monstrosity, Engine Car, 2x Delve Too Deep)

Blood on the Altar: R3. Jenny banished Silas Bishop! Zebulon Whateley was sacrificed to Yog‑Sothoth! 6XP (The Hidden Chamber, 2x Delve Too Deep, 2 Bonus XP)

Interlude II: Dr. Henry Armitage survived The Dunwich Legacy! Professor Warren Rice survived The Dunwich Legacy! Dr. Francis Morgan survived The Dunwich Legacy! Earl Sawyer survived The Dunwich Legacy!

Undimensioned and Unseen: R1. Jenny warned the townsfolk! 1 brood escaped into the wild! 5XP (4x Brood of Yog-Sothoth, Delve Too Deep)

Where Doom Awaits: R1. -5 Token added to the chaos bag! Jenny entered the portal! 4XP (Seth Bishop, Sentinel Peak, Delve Too Deep)

And so, Jenny shall attempt the final scenario...