D's Psycho Killer Zoey Samaras for Dunwich (complete)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DarthJoJo · 70

Please enjoy this Zoey Samaras, half of a duo with Rex Murphy, at the end of their adventures in Dunwich on standard difficulty (actually easier because my wife really likes to win and would cheat occasionally). We earned the best results in all scenarios, even knocking out five Broods after a mulligan. It's a 26-XP build and included trips to Louisiana and Venice.

Some notes:

The observant may have already noticed the lack of a certain, necessary treachery. I missed that it stayed in the deck after the scenario, and when I found out, I didn't have the heart to tell my wife.

She bought it the moment it was available, but Charisma never activated. Five allies doesn't make it worth it, especially at their higher costs. Similarly, Rite of Seeking wasn't worth it in such a high-cost buid. Drew it a few times and never dropped it. Drawn to the Flame, however, was aces and always played.

She only dropped the Shotgun once after making it her first XP buy, but it was worth it in Lost in Time and Space. She took five shots with Extra Ammunition and knocked out five monsters.

One of our best scenarios was Miskatonic Museum when the Horror spawned for the fourth time (Zoey had been having her way with it) on top of Rex when he found the Restricted Hall. On just one remaining health, he managed to evade it and run. Zoey kited for the next few turns, and after passing A Twist of Fate that knocked him out in House Always Wins, Rex got back to find the Necronomicon.