Tommy Full Tank - Multiplayer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Thesshad · 14

A fully tank for 4 players


Priority Charisma - 3xp At least one. But you can reach a second Charisma.

Madame Labranche Brother Xavier - 1 xp

A Chance Encounter A Chance Encounter (2) - x2 = 4 xp You can re-use an ally

Beat Cop Beat Cop (2) - x2 = 4 xp You can increase the damages you deal to ennemies

Guard Dog Agency Backup - x2 = 10 xp You can deal some damage to ennemies and find easily clues on locations

Survival Knife Mk 1 Grenades - x2 = 8 xp

Scene of the Crime Emergency Cache - 3 xp You need no longer Scene of crime since you get Agency Backup, si we can reach this emergency cache to increase the supplies on Grenades

Stick to the Plan And you can put under it : Emergency Cache, First Watch and Prepared for the Worst