Queen of charges

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Wolfric · 1

Hello to all that read here. This is the first deck i made. A friend showed me the game and i like it. I am a TCG and RPG player and played a lot of other Lovecraft based games. After looking through the character i picked Akachi Onyele as my favorite. (even if she might be slightly less reliabe then another pick its RPG). I played her and did not fight except blasting the final "Boss" with Shrivelling

As passionate deckbuilder i immidiately registered on this site.

So now to the deck. This is a try to build a support combo deck. I lack the feeling about running out of library so one quantum flux might be important. The deck is also set up for development in a campain.

There are some choices that might look not so good but i think they are and at least personal taste.

Thermos . It´s expensive but a joker. And it can heal you for two horror and later in a campaign other might also have double trauma´s.

Shrivelling . I am a bit torn here but you can tutor a lot and the deck plans to add a backup weapon later. So one might be enough.

Calling in Favors might look a bit strange here but it searches nine cards and getting a second ally is likely. It can help to bounce David Renfield if doom gets critical and you want Arcane Initiate to draw and to sacifice for the skull.

Fine Clothes is cheap to fill the body slot. Trenchcoat looks tempting too but is already expensive.

Decorated Skull. The deck is built around it. It might get clunky on very bad draw luck but i think it has a lot of options.

The deck plans to go for double Grotesque Statue. At that point it should realy start to shine. Might get tricky to remove cards for the statures and a weapon :-).