One of those treacheries that wastes your precious actions. Good thing this card can be removed by Alter Fate (better if you have Parallel Agnes in your team).
The quick brown fox jumps over the 200 character limit.
顯現 - 將"我中招了!"放置到你的威脅區域。
強制 - 當一輪結束時:在"我中招了!"上放置1個資源。然後,如果本卡牌上有至少6個資源,個體代號8L-08吞噬你。
No faqs yet for this card.
One of those treacheries that wastes your precious actions. Good thing this card can be removed by Alter Fate (better if you have Parallel Agnes in your team).
The quick brown fox jumps over the 200 character limit.