Duke tilts his head to the side.
Duke is worried.
Duke is confused.
Duke doesn’t understand why Ashcan is suddenly feeding all of Duke’s once-a-round doggie treats to this sailor-guy.
Is... is Duke not a Good Boy?
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盟友. 祝福
费用: 3. XP: 3.
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Duke tilts his head to the side.
Duke is worried.
Duke is confused.
Duke doesn’t understand why Ashcan is suddenly feeding all of Duke’s once-a-round doggie treats to this sailor-guy.
Is... is Duke not a Good Boy?
Jacob Morrison is a good card if you are taking a lot of bless tech (like Keep Faith, Spirit of Humanity, & Favor of the Sun).
However, he does need to compete with other cards for deck space and there is one card in particular that is very similar to him: Granny Orne
Both cards are 3 XP.
Granny costs 1 more.
Granny gives a static +1 to 2 stats while Jacob has no stat boosts.
Granny gives a +1 to a failing test every round. Jacob gives a +2 after every time you draw a bless token but needs help generating those bless tokens.
Granny can soak more horror but less damage.
Conclusion: Granny is more versatile and can be powerful in a lot more decks. Jacob can be very good but needs a deck built to his strengths and even in the best of situations is only a little better than Granny.
It's Multi Lucky!!
Routinely generating the bless tokens you need to fuel Jacob Morrison is a bit tricky in , but with team support just the random few you're likely to encounter will make it so that you get to use Jacob Morrison 4+ times in a scenario. So, take him if you have blessed friends, maybe if you're somehow using Blessed Blade.
In solo Jacob Morrison is perfectly playable even if you use just a couple copies of Keep Faith to fuel him. Assuming that you play just the one copy of Keep Faith, that's still most likely going to be 2-3 extra uses of the Lucky! effect on top of the one he comes into play with.
I do hopefully not, need to tell you, how good a Lucky! that you get to play 4+ times, is.