
生物. 祖格鼠

攻击: 2. 生命值: 1. 躲避: 2.
伤害: 1. 恐惧: 1.

生成 - 任意一個連接地膽。


強制 - 在隱蔽的祖格鼠被擊敗時:取消所有過量傷害,並將其剩餘的蜂擁/頭領卡牌移動到一個連接地點,呈消耗狀態。

"它們中的大多數都住在洞穴裡,但也有一些住在巨大樹木的枝幹上……" – H. P. 洛夫克拉夫特《夢尋秘境卡達斯》
Felicia Cano
食夢者 #108. 祖格鼠 #5.


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: What happens if an enemy with the swarming keyword loses swarming or is blanked, such as via Mind Wipe? A: Swarming only resolves when the enemy with the swarming keyword enters play. If it later loses the swarming keyword or its text box is blanked, its swarm cards remain in play and it is still considered a host enemy. - FAQ, v.2.0, August 2022

  • Q: Can I use a card effect that discards a host enemy without defeating it, such as Close Call? If so, what happens to its swarm cards? A: A host enemy cannot be defeated while it still has swarm cards underneath it, but it can still be discarded or removed through other methods. In such a case, its swarm cards would also leave play. - FAQ, v.2.0, August 2022

Last updated


If i defeat one of these guys with area attacks like Mk 1 Grenades, Dynamite Blast or Storm of Spirits, will they still disengange and leave or are they all defeated at the same time?

Filler for 200 characters

Django · 5093
We've always played it that there's a separate instance of damage for each zoog that all resolve at the same time, so all the zoogs are defeated. — SGPrometheus · 821
Thematically it also makes the most sense that the Zoogs die simultaneously. I don't see one jumping in front of a grenade or dynamite stick to safe the others, although you never know with Zoogs — nungunungu · 4