


顯現 - 檢定(5)。你失敗且每低於難度1點,丟棄遭遇牌堆頂的1張卡牌。如果本效果丟棄了詛咒詭計,對你的調查員和你的每個盟友支援造成1點直接傷害。

Ed Mattinian
萬象無終 #99. 罪惡之城 #3-5.


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: If you discard a Curse with Centuries of Secrets, does FAQ 2.12 (Interpreting "you" when taking or being dealt damage) mean that all of the damage, including the direct damage to your allies, counts as damage being dealt "to you"? If so, what happens if you play Deny Existence? Can you ignore the direct damage being dealt to your allies? Can you ignore all of the damage being dealt, or do you have to pick just one of the one-damage hits to ignore? If you use Deny 5 to ignore the direct damage being dealt to an ally, the healing still applies to your investigator card, right? A: We rule that if you were to play Deny Existence (5), you could ignore one of the following effects on Centuries of Secrets: dealing 1 damage to yourself, or dealing 1 damage to one of your Ally assets (not each, unfortunately). Depending on which you ignored, you could either heal 1 from your investigator, or 1 from the chosen Ally.
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