女巫作祟之林 - 背面




隐藏: 2. 线索: 1.



胜利 1.
Lukas Banas
萬象無終 #60. 巫異時刻 #11.


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: Is it intentional that in some configurations in one or two player, it's impossible to get the requisite number of clues to complete scenario 1 of The Circle Undone, The Witching Hour? A: Thanks for bringing this problem to my attention! We've heard a few reports of this, so the team has been discussing how best to handle this issue. For now, I believe the best way to handle this is to revise the setup so that the players put a total of 5 Witch-Haunted Woods locations into play during setup, instead of 4 (as evenly as possible in front of the investigators, with any excess in front of the lead investigator). This should ensure that there are always at least 6 clues among just the Witch-Haunted Woods locations, regardless of what other locations emerge later in the scenario. In a future FAQ we will either issue an errata to make this change permanent, or issue another errata which should solve the issue, but for now players should play with this change in place. If the change is made permanent I will make sure that the PDF of the Campaign Guide on our website is revised to reflect the change. UPDATE: The Setup to The Witching Hour should read: "Put 5 Witch-Haunted Woods locations into play as follows: In player order, each investigator puts 1 random Witch-Haunted Woods location into play in front of him or her, until there are exactly 5 Witch-Haunted Woods locations in play (see “Lost and Separated,” below). For example: In a 1-player game, there should be 5 Witch-Haunted Woods in front of that investigator. In a 2-player game, there should be 3 Witch-Haunted Woods in front of the lead investigator and 2 Witch-Haunted Woods in front of the other investigator. In a 3-player game, there should be 2 Witch-Haunted Woods in front of the lead investigator, 2 Witch-Haunted Woods in front of the next investigator, and 1 Witch-Haunted Woods in front of the final investigator. In a 4-player game, there should be 2 Witch-Haunted Woods in front of the lead investigator, and 1 Witch-Haunted Woods in front of each other investigator." - FAQ, v.1.5, April 2019
Last updated


So we came across the Abandoned Mine first and we all quickly agreed that "between 3 and 10 resources" is 4 to 9. Then came along this card...

Between 3 and 5 is technically, mathematically, quite literally, just 4... right?... RIGHT?!

Nenananas · 258
Awkward. It seems pretty clear that the RAI is 3-5 cards or 3-10 resources, but that is inconsistent with the use of between for Plan of Action. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Yes, Plan of Action and this card are meant to be interpreted differently. I think the reasoning is that “between actions” implies non-inclusive because there are timing points between them, whereas here the resources/cards are purely discrete. 3, 4, and 5 are all the limiting points for this card. — StyxTBeuford · 13028