Zoey “Ezekiel 25:17” Samaras

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

thatgeneralguy · 2

just throwing together something to stab and shoot as many monsters as possible.


Oct 01, 2018 SpiritReacher · 1

I'm a little bit curious to why you're taking 1 of each card, instead of taking 2 copies of the cards that you'd like to draw. I mean; why would you want .32 Colt if you can have 2 .45's? Or why have a Kukri, if you can have 2 Machetes. This just the Assets though. You have 4 Allies, of which you can play 1. You're also overdoing it with the Events.

I mean; by all means, you do you, but this feels like a deck that is focusing on nothing and doesn't feel very consistent.

Oct 01, 2018 thatgeneralguy · 2

Yeah. I only have the one core deck so I don’t have the luxury of double ups... yet. This is something I am looking to remedy though. For now I just want multiple weapons and events that can dice and slice bad folk. But I see and agree with your point. I will subtract from the allies. I am hoping for Leo to be my rock of extra actions anyways.

Oct 01, 2018 Antimarkovnikov · 1015

You could double up some of the cards from your expansions. Those always come in twos. Also, If you're hoping for Leo you might want to proxy him. (You could just put the 1XP version of him in your deck and remember that he cots 6 instead of the 5 printed on the card.)