Mateo: The Power of Purple Compels You - #Allpurpleallthetim

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Vaseodin · 284

This is a Father Mateo deck created for #allpurpleallthetime, a challenge conceived by YouTube channel "Arkham Chronicle".

The concept was to have some Arkham Horror LCG content creators each come up with a deck for one of the Mystic investigators.

Each deck was to be made with the assumption that the Investigator would be in a 4-person party with only other Mystic-class characters. Each deck would also be made without knowledge of the other decks.

With a new mystic released for the Forgotten Age cycle, Arkham Chronicle reached out to Innkeeper Vase Odin to formulate a Father Mateo deck with the same concept and assumptions.

This deck is the result of that challenge.

Father Mateo in this team will serve as a support character, healing horror and granting an advantage on skill tests to his allies, while providing light support for combat and clue-gathering.

For combat: The main strategy is to use "Mists of R'lyeh" to evade bad guys with retaliate, allowing the other, more combat-oriented, party members to pick off without fear of retaliatory damage. "Shriveling" and "Spirit Athame" are for those times you need to finish off something the others couldn't or those annoying rats and cultists.

For clue-gathering: a single flashlight. Father Mateo has a decent intellect score of 3, which means he can pick up clues in the low-shroud locations while the investigators with better clue-gathering pick up clues at the more difficult locations. The flashlight is for those times you need to grab clues at a location with high shroud and for whatever reason can't count on your party.

For support: "Clarity of Mind" will help keep the shrivelers sane and also help power "Torrent of Power" if necessary. The other spells can also help with Torrent for crucial tests. "Cthonian Stone", "Guts" and "Unexpected Courage" are meant for helping other investigators with their tests and the occasional treachery.

"Defiance" and "Counterspell" are meant to work with "Olive McBride" and "Premonition" to ensure the odds are with the investigators during major skill checks. Since Olive can't be used for skill tests made by others, she will be mostly for Mateo's own treachery tests.

Finally "Quantum Flux" will allow Mateo to recur some of those single-use event and skill cards during longer scenarios.

The best way to pilot this deck is to always be at a location with another Investigator. Play your assets early (mulligan for either Shriveling or Mists of R'lyeh if possible).

Keep at least 3 or so cards in your hand to commit to tests, using your actions to draw cards whenever needed. Normally that would be sub-optimal, but having cards to help allies is crucial for this deck's success and unfortunately Mystics don't have a lot of card draw options.

Play Quantum flux when you've used about 10 or so single use events and skill cards to reshuffle them back and reuse them.

Dark prophecy is for your own skill tests, and use torrent of power to drain spells you are not using and commit the card for those game winning tests for either you or your allies.

Use premonition to ensure you're not wasting skill cards unnecessarily on tests you or your allies were going to succeed anyways. You also can use it during the end of the mythos phase to help determine who on your team should go first (knowing what the next chaos bag pull result is).

Be sure to check out the video dedicated to this deck here:

And the other decks that were created for this collaboration, with their corresponding videos/podcasts:

Arkham Chronicle - Marie Lambeau

The Whisperer in Darkness - Jim Culver:

Drawn to the Flame Podcast - Akachi Onyele

Mythos Busters - Agnes Baker

-Innkeeper Vase Odin


Sep 28, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 16282

This is a very interesting deck, and I’m eager to see how well it works. The Clarity if Mind + Torrent of Power is something I had never considered before. And starting with Counterspell is also another interesting idea and I hadn’t seen before. It’s a great card and it adds to Mateo’s cheating ability, along with Seal of the Elder Sign. Cool deck!

Sep 29, 2018 OzValdo · 677

Great deck! well done!....