Trouble on the Train

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Prinny_wizzard · 251

(Designed for the Drawn To The Flame challenge, issued ~August 2018. Associated Scenario: Essex County Express. This is the updated version, I didn't realise an update was to the original deck rather than the published one.)

As an added challenge - though I haven't tested this myself yet - consider the Ultimatum of Guilt. When a Helpless Passenger would be discarded, set it aside instead; all players lose one action (to a minimum of one) for each Helpless Passenger set aside.)

Pete's latest nightmare showed him a train being swallowed by a void in the sky, passengers screaming before being silenced by the sounds of the carriages being crushed by the immense forces at play.

The proud Essex County Express would be reduced to scrap metal in a few days' time.

Pete could have ignored the nightmare, pretended it never happened, maybe that the events wouldn't come true. But they always did, and his conscience wouldn't let him even consider leaving those poor people to their fates.

So, now, stowed away in the final carriage, Pete and Duke were waiting quietly and patiently for the first signs. He hadn't had much time to prepare, and was hoping all he'd need would be inside the train; even if things came to the worst and there was nothing he could use, though, he knew he could rely on Duke.

Suddenly the rhythmic thud-thud of the train was broken by a piercing scream - metal on metal, the brakes engaging. A few seconds later the sky outside darkened, and Duke sat up, alert and ready. Time to save the day again.