Card draw simulator
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Averu · 56
Game strategy:
Get extra actions to investigate
Use archanic glyphs + higher education to sweep a location from clues
Fill the gylphs with red clock + eldrich sophist
Save a back market + deep knowledge + empirical hyphothesis to resuffle your deck when there are 9 cards left if you draw your weakness.
Uppgrade path:
Charons obol
Easy mark
Steady handed
Path finder
Miscatonic archeological funding
Higher education
Black market
Archanic glyphs
The red clock
Archanic glyphs
Black market
Nice. I would suggest dropping Eldritch Sophist and getting The Raven Quill. Attach Archaic Glyphs and take the ability that allows you to move a charge. Then you can use other Raven Quill abilities like having Archaic Glyphs not take up a slot and Interwoven Ink that allows you to ready another asset.