Card draw simulator
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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Zen · 8
"......I, was the knight in shining armor in your movie"
Trish goes ham and finds a silly Clock
and go crazy
The Idea is:
- Get the Clock engine going, by waiting 3 turns
- Move 1 secret per turn with Eldritch Sophist to the Pendant of the Queen
- Get multiple clues per Turn with the Pendant and Trish's ability
- And get extra actions with the Clock
Upgrade Path (Priority):
- The Red Clockxp2 The Red Clockxp5
- Relic Hunter
Personal Preference Upgrades:
- Charisma and Lola Santiago
6xp (recommended):
- Lucky Cigarette Case
- Deduction
- Perception
1xp (slot in after having a smoke):
- Death • XIII