Chronomancer Skids [The Restricted Collection]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Head Librarian, The Restricted Collection · 214

A first pass at a true solo Skids deck doubling down on action and turn manipulation. See AH.013 of The Restricted Collection for more information. Thanks!


Sep 30, 2024 ChrisIsMyMiddleName · 337

Hey, great work on the podcast and interesting defense of "Skids"! I'll be sure to give the guy a chance in a future playthrough now that the cardpool has greatly expanded his options.

Going full in on the Big Turns like this deck seems like a fun approach! In the game, there tends to be an eb and flow of turns without much to do and other turns where you'd wish you had tons of actions. "Skids" with his ability seems a particularly good home for this, providing explosive 7+-action turns when he needs them. I might give this deck a spin in the process of building my own "Skids" deck.