Crazy Jenny Sees the Stars

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Andy · 25

This Deck uses the Pre-Taboo All-In. It will function without it, it's just crazier with it.

Deck Premise: Using Friends in Low Places's "Clever" trait to set up a Written In the Stars big turn either by taking lots of actions with Leo and Haste, or even crazier with Testing Sprint.

Double Double either the Testing Sprint (spending 3 actions total) or Written in the Star to feel like Amanda Sharpe on drugs.

Magic Christmas Land: Written in the Stars All in and either Nimble or Quick Thinking. Double Double Testing Sprint.

You now walk around the entire map drawing out your deck and continuously drawing out your deck, commit more things to the deck, and either stop because you died from too much draw, or the map has no clue left.