Amanda Sharpe Reads the Stars - Feedback appreciated

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fovar · 22

Casual play, multiplayer campaign. The deck exists here as a reference for my friend, owner of the cards, to build/update the deck. I guess anyone else is free to have a look.

Along obvious upgrades like Deduction, I plan to acquire Versatile to get Alyssa Graham as soon as possible. Between Essence of the Dream from upgraded Dream Diaries giving ????, Well-Funded/Inquiring Minds giving ???, being able to have two skill cards apply to a whole turn seems worthwhile, and knowing when even better.

Then adding cards like Eon Chart and Pathfinder will allow a maximization of her clue-finding ability.

I toyed with the ideas of using Versatile to combo adding tokens to the bag, fish them out with Favor of the Moon, and have full rounds of Take Heart with two curses, but my role is cluer, and spending that much resource to aim and fail three (+) times seems... subpar.

Best avoid curse tokens if your team is not up to it, right?

Note: The following cards have reasons to be in the deck, but I could easily be swayed away if offered good suggestions:

  • Crack the Case Helping others' finances. This deck is cheap, at least compared to those I usually build. But I don't expect my fellow investigators to be flushed with cash.

  • Medical Student Heal. Soak. Science for Well-Funded.

  • Strange Solution Science again. Slotless. Upgrades have actions at a base stat of 6, which still allows skill cards being played. That means if I NEED to succeed on a roll, I can.


Jul 17, 2024 Semiotics · 1

The Alyssa Graham + Written in the Stars combo is very cute, but my two cents is that it might be...too cute? Versatile adding to your deck size is going to make her harder to find, and when not setting up the combo she doesn't do much for your deck. I'd recommend just taking Scroll of Secrets which can always be drawing you cards and will sometimes be the enabler for your combo. It can also slot right into the level 0 deck. How you get even more hands I'm not sure...

Also, if you're going for big numbers you might want to consider Promise of Power. It's very good, and I find that the added "danger" of the curse tokens can be exciting for the table.

Ultimately this looks really fun! I love all the science stuff, the slot-less empirical and strange solution are brilliant. I think it'll be a great time.

Jul 18, 2024 Fovar · 22

Promise of Power: Our group has an unspoken pact not to use tokens unless everyone uses them (or at least braces for impact), and it pains me not to add them. But we agreed tokens tend to have a much larger impact than tokens, as you don't usually have to pad yourself in case you have a bonus.

Usually, the one who does run cards with tokens (mostly Faustian Bargain and its Seeker card-drawing equivalent) also runs Favor of the Moon, and is on an unspoken rule that if he/she cannot deal with the tokens right away, he must share the benefits / request permission from the lead investigator as well.

Versatile: This is cope, I am well aware, but: Random Basic Weakness, as well as your investigator's specific weakness also gets diluted. Furthermore, you receive extra horror when your discard pile is shuffled to become your draw deck again, right?

Besides, the whole deck was an attempt to, with Eon Chart and Quick Thinking, search with 6+ Deduction with Perception or Enraptured (refueling the Eon Chart) in a single turn. I cannot gamble on that being merely a possibility.

Still I will heed your warning, and I shall add more card-drawing when increasing my deck size with Versatile to balance this, if not literally pick No Stone Unturned along the way.