Nathaniel Cho Saving The World Kung Fu Style

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PetsOnTheRocks · 43

This deck is oriented to play in a multiplayer environment with 3+ players as Nathaniel is only dealing with removing monsters from table and nothing else.

A very straightforward deck that concentrates around Nathaniel Cho's special ability to deal +1 damage if he initiates a fight action via an event. So the deck concentrates heavily on fighting events and upgrading them to better versions.

I personally loved "Get over here!" that gives Nathaniel the ability to either move himself or move an enemy from other locations to him. Very useful. Pay also attention to the XP only versions of several events in the side deck as example "Mano a Mano" and "Sweeping Kick". Upgraded Nathaniel Cho is amazing.

Upgrade priority: Boxing Gloves first. That's all. Then events.

How to play: Boxing Gloves are the staple of this deck. Get them out as fast as you can. Either mulligan or make use of Randall Cho or Tetsuo Mori. Without Boxing Gloves you will be weak. After Boxing Gloves are out you are on the roll (read boxing gloves ability).

However just in case the starting deck contains .32 Colt so you have some ranged capability as some monsters are weak to ranged or spell. Due to this I personally suggest to upgrade to Brand of Cthugha's later down the line then the Colts because personally to me this spell is more suitable to Nathaniel's character than firearms.

Resource management: As any other guardian, Nathaniel is very resource hungry. "Clean Them Out" is some help but thats more or less it. To be honest I did not really feel the need to add any more resource cards to the deck. More fighting events is better than resource events.

Power curve: Keep in mind that Nathaniel has actually a serious problem in more lengthy scenarios when all of his events are already in discard pile. In this case I personally felt weak and it was embarrassing to be demoted to a guy who can only chip enemies at 1 damage per fight action. Nathaniel's Elder Sign ability is designed to help in that regard but you really can't rely on this too much.