The Dunwich Legacy Starter Deck: “Ashcan” Pete, the Drif

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

orvilee · 643

Sample Starter Decks from Fantasy Flight Player Resources

“Ashcan” Pete is a unique character who is at his best when working with his dog, Duke. Alone, Pete has lower-than-average skills, health, and sanity. However, when allied together with his trusted hound, Pete and Duke become more than just the sum of their parts. Taking advantage of Duke’s abilities is the key to playing as “Ashcan” Pete. Duke can help you fight against dangerous enemies, or lead you toward clues and help you discover them. Use Pete’s ability to ready Duke liberally, and you will find many uses for his loyal partner.

Don’t forget that you can also use Pete’s ability to ready other assets besides Duke, such as Old Book of Lore or Rabbit's Foot. Because Duke doesn’t take up your ally slot, you can play Laboratory Assistant to get more cards in your hand, or Peter Sylvestre to help soak horror and resist treachery cards that might discard Duke from play. While there are generally no long-term repercussions if Duke leaves play, keeping Duke safe is crucial to survival for Pete.

Pete’s weakness, Wracked by Nightmares, is a hindrance you will want to get rid of as soon as possible. While it won’t hurt you in the short term, it shuts off your most valuable cards, and slows you down. Keep in mind, however, that most assets can still be used while exhausted—you can still investigate with a Flashlight or take a swing at enemies with a Baseball Bat while Wracked by Nightmares is in play.