Jim finally breaks the curse (of unplayability)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Jim finally breaks 0 0 0 1.0

cabalpaxiarch · 113

The deck revolves around two concepts.

A) Between ritual candles bolstering symbol tokens and chthonian stone + protective incantation sealing away the biggies, you're going to have a really hard time convincing Jim to fail any test. His stats may seem pretty average, but when your average chaos draw is 0, suddenly your success average skyrockets and you have to redefine the whole term.

B) Olive McBride and favor of the moon guarantee symbols, which in turn guarantee that upgraded read the signs and spectral razor never leave your hand. Olive especially protects you from the autofail, which is the only thing that can disrupt your spells' infinite replayability. Normally Olive is a double edged sword because of all the high value chaos tokens. But we've taken care of that, so multiple times zero is still zero.

Leo DeLuca is on the starting list to save you 2xp later, because of rabbit hole. You'll need to get a charisma ASAP, but all the other upgrades fall within the rabbit hole's parameters. Occult reliquary is only necessary if you intend to keep chthonian stone, which is scenario dependant. Some symbol tokens are too big even for ritual candles but there is a bit of anti-synergy there (what we magic players call a nonbo).


May 22, 2024 danelkay · 1
