
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CheckmateRattlesnake · 15

Somewhat advanced deck but not because it is difficult to pilot. Instead, the pilot must have a good eye for timing.

As with all things Calvin, you want to push yourself to the limit by intentionally throwing yourself into harms way. The idea is to take on all threats or challenges while holding back cards that prevent you from spilling over into defeat. Its a high-risk high-reward playstyle because the longer you can ride the knife's edge the stronger Calvin performs.

This setup really shines in multiplayer, essentially using him as a true-blue Guardian without actually being a Guardian. Your clue finding is very minimal, mostly relying on hard skill checks. If push comes to shove and things are getting out of hand, however, "Ghastly Revelation" or "I'll See you in Hell" can serve as a last ditch panic button to finish off a scenario, and Calvin generally doesn't mind the trauma that comes along with their use.

At the start of each scenario, I recommend to fish for Five of Pentacles. Mulligan for it if you need to. Try to net it starting out if possible.

Meanwhile, after the game gets underway you should feel no fear of running right into the heart of darkness. Hurl him headlong into the mix and dare the chapter to throw everything its got at you. Help the team with clues when you can, but Meat Cleaver is his mainstay which you'll want to get out as soon as possible. And then start chopping and tanking threats.

It is critical to remember that you need to play smart with Calvin. You have to be aware of the math at all times. If you slip up, he can be extremely unforgiving.

I have found Calvin to be an extraordinarily fun investigator to play. I encourage you to pick him up and give him a run yourself, especially in multiplayer.