William Yorick - Take Your Pets to Work Day

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ichinokata00 · 373

The idea of this deck is to have a combat-focused Investigator who fights with pets. Short Supply helps to prepare your assets in the discard pile for easy access later using Will's ability.

Don't hesitate to assign damage to your pets as they're ready to die for you and there are multiple methods to bring them back.

I didn't spend much exp on events as they might be wasted due to Short Supply and it takes a while to get them back.

Ideal Starting Hand (Try to mulligan for these cards):
1x Rod of Animalism (core item of this deck)
1x Ace of Swords or any of the two weapons
1x Motivational Speech or Flare
2x Guard Dogs or Sled Dogs


Other Cards for Consideration:

1.) Unscrupulous Loan is good for standalone play as there are no impacting consequences. You can also play Nothing Left to Lose instead.

2.) Cornered - if you're playing in higher difficulty where passing tests are more challenging.

3.) Eucatastrophe - Will's Elder Sign is very powerful as you can use it to return Any card and can fully heal The Black Cat. Costs 3 exp though.