Darrell Simmons's I will find a way to use these pictures ag

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kbstoesz · 1

First time building a deck and wanted to make it adaptive for a wide range of situations. I feel Forced learning limits my chances of getting Empirical Hypothesis or scavenging off the first draw, however I feel that having a large discard pile allows me to utilize cards such as Winging it, scrounge for supplies, Prof William Webb, Scavenging and resourceful to help me gaurentee the cards I want/need for each situation.

Need evidence no problem use Professor Williams to get some Halk-Eye Cameras. Want to clear clues, winging it, shed a light, gets that down no problem. I added in two healing cards as I feel they may be nice in a pinch.

Of course this deck could get screwed early game by losing both my scavenging and both my Empirical Hypothesis early.

With little to no experience playing the game this is what I came up with (I feel taking forced learning is a little bit Noobish as I honestly do not know what is good or bad based on my limited to no play).

Not sure if I have just clogged a deck that needs to find Evidence early but I am excited to give it a try! Would love to hear your thoughts, to help refine my deck building for this game! Also is 6 resource cards to much should I ditch emergency cache for something like Deduction?

I will let you all know how it goes as my campaign progresses. Happy Hunting