The Adventures of Tommy Muldoon

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jkressin65 · 1

This deck is for starting the Forgotten Ages campaign with a friend at experience level 0. We are relatively rookie players and typically don't have time to study the art of deck building to maximize play benefit. So, any advice from people who have played the Forgotten Ages and have a wealth of knowledge and experience in deck building are most welcome to comment.


Dec 05, 2023 PJFrigate · 329

I'm excited for you! Quick thoughts:

How will you carry Survival Knife when all your main weapons are two-handed?

TFA can be especially challenging for low-agility characters. I think you have sufficient soak to counterbalance this but be aware it could be an issue.

Take Heart might be a better option than Emergency Cache (or Clean them Out) because there will be tests you're "certain" to fail and you're very light on card draw. And since you'll definitely be cycling allies, maybe consider Motivation Speech in place of Emergency Cache: same value but effectively a fast action.

And not may people who can take Vicious Blow would pass it up.

Lastly, I think clue-getting would be a nice plus but your assets already cost a lot. Maybe consider some of my economy suggestions in lieu of "Look what I found."

Dec 06, 2023 jkressin65 · 1

PJFigate, thank you for commenting, I really appreciate your insights as a relatively new player. Point well taken on the knife. I did think about the need to be able to cycle through cards and the overall cost and was hoping when I built this I would have enough of both. I like you suggestions and made a few modifications. I do agree, this is now better. Thanks again.

Dec 06, 2023 PJFrigate · 329

My pleasure, really! I don't play a lot of Guardians but I was also thinking that if you want to focus on the Axe and/or Becky, you might consider replacing 2x Winchester with 2x Prepared for the Worst. That's slightly less efficient from an actions standpoint but much more efficient from a resource standpoint.