Black Dog Duke

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TheUnthinkable · 387

"We were content to wait," the voice growls, "On the cold hearth or the rainy stoop, even when the food was thin. Content to wait while man made the world safe."

You'd swear you hear a bark, as the line goes dead. Dogs don't use phones, do they?

Black Dog Duke takes advantage of three horrifyingly powerful cards. Madame Labranche, Dark Horse, and Calling In Favors.

The first two are obvious. Duke runs cheap, Dark Horse is easy for him to use, and Labranche lets you keep cards in hand or get emergency resources before doing something dumb.

Calling In Favors can target Duke, bouncing him to your hand and removing all damage from him while simultaneously reaching into your deck for Madame Labranche or Guard Dog.

I've been debating Renfield over Dark Horse, and bringing some higher-cost cards in the 2 slots that would open, but I think this version is a really interesting play. If Scrapper covered mind or books, I think Renfield would be an easy in, along with a couple spells. As it is, it's hard to justify.


Feb 08, 2018 JustSomeGuy · 1

Any thoughts on Inspiring Presence? I put together a similar deck where I ran IP instead of Guard Dog (and included Peter Sylvestre as the second ally). The ability to ready and reuse Duke is great and it helps with Pete's weakest skills.

Feb 08, 2018 TheUnthinkable · 387

I think it'd be pretty hard to justify inspiring presence over quick thinking, for example. I went with guard dog because it's on theme, but probably a better pick would be something to further shore up action economy on investigation or combat.