Slaughterfest: Where the Blood Flows and Lives are Lost

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jessyjkn · 13

Rivers of Carnage:

  • Overall: The main strategy is to get out your sledgehammer and just kill everything. You will also be able to help slightly with the clue getting by killing.
  • How does he get his “Sledgehammer?” Using “Prepared for the Worst” will boost the chances of drawing your sledgehammer. After drawing your hammer, you can pummel everything in your way while moving the objective along:
    • After killing an enemy, you can use “Evidence!” to grab a clue at your location. Additionally, “Grete Wagner's” ability, your ally, can be triggered after defeating an enemy to discover a clue. “Scene of the Crime” will allow you to discover 2 clues if there is an enemy at your location. If there are no enemies, then use “On the Hunt” to increase the chances of drawing an enemy.
    • Your sanity is low so keep your teddy bear “Cherished Keepsake” nearby.
    • Remember to use Yorick’s ability: after you defeat an enemy, you can play an asset from your discard pile. This is very useful to recycle your Cherished Keepsake since your sanity is low.
    • “Physical Training” is there to just help boost your will/combat stats.
    • “Stand together” and “safeguard” is there to support allies and give free movement.
    • “Take the initiative” is an interesting card. I would use it during the mythos phase or when you are the first one to take a turn during the investigator phase so you keep all three icons.


  • up to you but one thing for sure is one "physical training" -> "Plucky"
  • I didn't upgrade "Cherished Keepsake" due to the Exile feature of the upgraded card.