Ursula can take Binders Jar

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DocBees · 303

So there I was, frown creeping across my face as I was sadly trying to fit both Dream Enhancing Serum and Farsight into a deck.

“If only I could fit both copies of Dream Enhancing Serum and Farsight into my deck… I sure would love to eat both the cakes I have, if only I could still have both cakes!”

“Building for seekers just ain’t what it used to be,” I think aloud. “Used to be we could just have whatever we wanted and no one could stop us. Now we’ve just got too many cool cards and can’t play them all at the same time! Shameful, FFG…”

I open up another Ursula deck, hoping for inspiration to strike.

“Oh right, I haven’t checked out what Ursula can do with the taboo list.”

Like a siren’s song pulling me to my salvation under the waves, my mouse slowly drifts towards the “taboo” toggle. I enter in the latest taboo, and the miracle that is ArkhamDB changes the viewed cards from “Seeker” to “All cards usable by Ursula”. And there, sorted by level, just 3 cards down, I see it.

Well, this one’s pretty straightforward. Binder’s Jar is a sweet card, newly unchained Jeremiah is pure value, the rest of the deck is even costed, Dream Enhancing Serum, or two Deductions. And Map the Area, but it's a fun card too. I don’t know how this deck will play, but it’s yellow so it should be fine.


Sep 21, 2023 Lucaxiom · 4103

I wouldn't call Ornate Bow Ursula viable, but Binder's Jar gets us a step closer. If The Feast of Hemlock Vale offers one more level 0 combat card for Ursula Downs, I'll be making a fighter deck for her.

Sep 22, 2023 DocBees · 303

That would be sick as hell. Get someone to play Carson with Venturer and you can do some nasty stuff with Ornate Bow,