"Ashcan" Pete - Five Player

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
"Ashcan" Pete - Structure Deck Series ( Dunwich Legacy ) 566 443 17 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

LiquidMercury8 · 4

As Duke, your goal is to try and setup your combo pieces early.

Scavenging lets you pull items from your discard pile and put them back into your hand. This is super powerful because it lets you commit them to ready Duke and then get them back from your next investigate test.

The Magnifying Glass will boost Duke's ability to sniff out clues as does Dark Horse when you are out of resources. Together they put you at 6 book with Duke which should be more than enough to start recurring items from your discard pile.

Lucky! can be used to play more aggressively with Pete, and Oops!, "Look what I found!", and Rabbit's Foot can convert failures into better than successes.

You want to build up large hands so you can burn it all for bursty turns.

It feels good for your investigate to: [Fail] Draw 2 cards and gain 2 clues [Succeed by 2] Draw 2 items from the discard pile and gain 1 clue