William Yorick the Pack Rat

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

rockmaninoff · 3

The 2 main goals of this deck are to get almost entirely set up turn one with everything you need (besides your ally who sadly can't be an item), and to be primarily focused on your role as damage dealer while having some flexibility to help get clues as well. He would probably handle himself pretty well as a solo investigator, though I'm running him in a party of 3.

You can pretty safely run one-of's for any essential items in this deck, as between Short Supply, upgraded backpacks, and Will Yorick's ability, you can tutor them out super easy. To that end, you can probably drop the second copy of Old Keyring, Mr Pawterson, & Bandages if there's something else you want to take or replace them as you level up. I'm also running all my events as one-of's right now, both for the versatility but also just for trying out a variety of cards and seeing how they do. I wouldn't blame you if you swapped something for a second copy of Lucky because damn that card is nice.

Top priorities for XP are upgrading the 2nd Backpack, Bandolier to give you enough hands so you can both kill things and investigate things effectively (and get that sweet willpower boost), Old Keyring, and whichever upgraded weapon or 2 that best suits your style. Yorick's cardpool has plenty of options. A Flashlight when combined with Old Keyring can actually make you super effective at investigating any location of shroud 4 or less at difficulty 0, getting 2 clues, which can make him super versatile at helping gather clues without too much investment. Not exactly sure where to go after that, though I probably will want to get Police Badge with Relic Hunter. Suggestions welcome.

Edits: Picking up The Red-Gloved Man along with Charisma is also a very interesting upgrade choice in Yorick, particularly when you have Police Badge available. He can greatly add to Yorick's versatility or just generally power level for a big swing turn, and then you can bring him back again later for only 2 resources! I definitely want to try this out at some point, it's just hard to say where to slot him in. I'm guessing after scenario 4 or so?