Vincent Lee - Eldritch Anatomy (19XP)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

EbolaMonkey · 28

BusterCon 2023 Deck Series
Vincent Lee - Eldritch Anatomy - 19XP Standalone


Start with 2 physical trauma from In the Thick of It so you have something to heal. The bonus XP gets 2 copies of Jessica Hyde and Ever Vigilant.

Fight with Bonesaw, soak damage to deal +1 damage, place damage on Jessica Hyde to auto-heal or on Vincent and use Bandages to auto-heal, scoring an On the Mend. Commit On the Mend to a Bonesaw test, boost the (?) icons with Grisly Totem. Take another On the Mend during the same test that one is committed.

Investigate with intellect, Magnifying Glass, Deduction. Practice Makes Perfect for Deduction or Vicious Blow depending on the situation.

Mulligan Priority:

  1. Ever Vigilant
  2. Bonesaw
  3. Jessica Hyde
  4. Bandages
  5. Schoffner's Catalogue
  6. Runic Axe (if you can't find Bonesaw)

Aug 17, 2023 toothball · 76

The deck is sound but to my understanding, the XP gained from In the Thick of It doesn't change the number of additional weaknesses that must be included in standalone decks. This deck would still count as 22xp for that purpose, so you'd take two additional basic weaknesses.

Normally taking In the Thick of It in standalone just gives you two trauma without really any benefit, but in this case you want to start the game with something to heal, so it's not so bad here!

Sep 29, 2023 EbolaMonkey · 28

@toothball According to the FAQ on In the Thick of It's page, the 3XP is a bonus and does not count towards the number of weaknesses in standalone.