Calvin Wright - The Forgotten Age 1 (w/Akachi)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GladysPool · 7

The Forgotten Age campaign with Akachi Onyele

Card pool: - 2 original core sets and up to the Forgotten Age, ‘Return to…’ boxes and Starter decks.

This is my 1st playthrough using Calvin. Desperate skills and Cluever build. Most of the cards in the deck are obvious choices, (to me anyway). Sylvester & Tweety Pie are there for test less results. Especially while trying to get set up, and to help with the Vengence enemies that are abound in the 1st scenario.

Possible upgrade routes

The pets are going to be replaced. 1st up is Yaotl - to go along with the desperate strategy. Next…? This is where I have a few ideas.

Thinking of trying a Déjà Vu route, with the usual suspects, Cherished Keepsake, Leather Coat & Flare to start with. Could look at the other exile stuff, but unsure what I would replace.

Card draw is an issue in this deck, so thought about a Charisma, Peter Sylvestre, Rabbit's Foot route instead. This seems a lot of XP to get some card draw in the deck. Peter is to replace the lost soak from the teddy. But while writing this, saw that I could simply just get Relic Hunter instead if I wanted the foot.

‘Upgrading’ Old Keyring to a Gravedigger's Shovel (for better head bonking and quick clues). As well as upgrading the cards in the deck, Lucky!, "Look what I found!" and Rise to the Occasion

Adding up the XP it looks like I should be able to afford most, if not all, of this. Any other suggestions to upgrade the deck would be appreciated. Cheers.