Sled Dog William, after Scarlet Keys

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
William "The Gravedogger" Yorick 4 2 1 1.0

DerBK · 1903

William and Jim return victorious from their Scarlet Keys campaign. Thanks to playing 8 scenarios and having Bury them Deep available, there was even a good amount of XP going around. William didn't even spend everything in the end.

Sled Dog is sort of a secret weapon that does a lot of great things in TSK. They provide ample soak for all that horror and damage that is coming from the encounter deck. They give a way to expose concealed card easily. They attack for a bunch with a high skill bonus. They are just all around fantastic. Well, they always are, but they are especially so in TSK.

Finding the dogs is hilariously trivial in this deck since you can pull them from the discard (so Short Supply acts as 10 cards drawn towards finding more dogs) and the absurd amount of card draw in this deck tears through the rest of the deck in record time.

Dauntless Spirit and Defensive Stance are amazing for William as well, since they can either secure a crucial attack or win against something pesky like a Frozen in Fear or Grasping Hands. These two skills were absolute all-stars all campaign and better than Take the Initiative or Steadfast would have been.

Since the deck draws so many cards (it used to be even more, i actually cut Take Heart down the road because it simply wasn't needed), Versatile doesn't have much of a drawback and i can get my man, Leo de Luca, in here as well. That was a soemwhat late upgrade once i realized that the deck was pretty much finished otherwise, but the 5XP for Versatile + the second Charisma paid off very well.

The rest is standard stuff. Keyring is absurd, Derringer is great.

Wholeheartedly recommend this deck!

Kleptomania was a really awful weakness, though! I took a truckload of horror from that. I don't recommend drawing that as your random basic weakness at all! :>


Feb 11, 2023 acotgreave · 829

This deck looks great fun.

Feb 11, 2023 DerBK · 1903

It was. Didn't play William in a long while and TSK is (mostly) well suited to giving him enough enemies to trigger his ability from. The whole deck was just super smooth, very satisfying.