Well Connected Pete

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Zail · 5

A deck focused on making the most from Duke. It does this by Duke by Calling in Favors to get token allies in the early game and later to get the most out of The Red-Gloved Man. The other way is to recover discarded cards used to recover Duke through Scavenging.

A token Resourceful is there to protect Duke from staying in your discard or to recover a high impact event.


Dec 14, 2017 gionazzo · 64

I don't think Resourceful can be used to retrieve Duke from the discard, as he is a Neutral card, not .

I do wonder, though, if you could use A Chance Encounter to pull Duke back from the discard in the unlikely event that he gets sent there....then use Calling in Favors to return him to your hand. Far from efficient, and I've personally only ever had to discard Duke once at the very end of a scenario, but it is nice insurance that can also be used for The Red-Gloved Man if you're planning on picking him up later on!

Dec 14, 2017 Django · 5032

Fleabag is not an "item", so you can't recover him with Scavenging.

It's a funny discory, that you can return any ally to YOUR hand with A Chance Encounter and Calling in Favors.

This is also a nice combo to save some ressources, if you use A Chance Encounter on an expansive ally.

Dec 14, 2017 Zail · 5

Somehow I missed the Survivor icon when previewing this cards. That makes a lot more sense as that card was seeming far too powerful. Thanks.