William Yorick - Jury Rigs his Lantern

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dlikos · 144

Primary Role - Support, leaning to Combat. Don't be afraid to discard the Gravedigger's Shovel and Lantern, but are his most important cards for the opening draw.

Economy - Unfortunately this deck relies on being careful with resources. Emergency Cache and Clean Them Out can help.

Combat - William hits well with the Shovel and can sometimes get a little boost with Vicious Blow and Act of Desperation (Discard that spend flashlight?)

Encounter Deck - At 3 Will, he can sometimes use a little help with the treacheries that have a severe consequence, the Mash is for these times. Lucky! can always help as well. Granny Orne is in the deck for her Will boost.

Upgrades Safeguard (4xp)... Spirit of Humanity (4xp) - Remove the Mash... Cornered (4xp) - Remove 1 Leadership, Remove 1 Steadfast... Ancient Covenant (2xp) Fire Extinguisher (6xp) - Remove 1 Flashlight, Remove 1 Shovel... Lantern (4xp)... Grave Digger's Shovel (2xp)... Vicious Blow (4xp)... Third Times a Charm (4xp) - Remove Daring, Remove Flashlight