William's Pet Semetary

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

HatfulBob · 148

A very simple deck idea built around the Rod of Animalism and how Survivor has the most Creature traited cards. I skipped out Mysterious Raven cause I did not like the idea of taking horror for clues, although it could easily be added in by cutting down the Machetes or Inspiring Presence.

Hard mulligan for the rod and use the backpack to further your search.

In terms of upgrades, Charisma comes to mind, with upgraded Backpack to help your searching too.

I have not tested this deck so I do not know how good it is or not, it was mainly made as a fun little idea but can easily be experimented with to make it better while still being a silly thing.