Fighting Winifred, ready for Antarctica (0XP)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DerBK · 1557

One EotE campaign in the bag, so i'm heading straight into the next one. Winifred is accompanying Mandy on this one and she's going to take the role of enemy handler.

The plan is going for Blur and upgraded .25 Automatics to do the bulk of the fighting, so that's where the first handful XP are headed.

I expect the Sled Dogs should actually be pretty great in this deck. Wini draws through her deck fast enough that she doesn't need any special support for them and can just naturally get a few of them out. Even just having two means an occasional saved action from movement or a bonus attack that doesn't eat up ammo. In a pinch, they are also fight icons which this deck needs. Getting a Charisma is going to be a priority as well. Getting the pack together should be absolutely no problem then.

The rest is pretty standard Wini stuff, i suppose. Bunch of skills to keep the cards flowing. Cigarette Case is obvious. Backstab is excellent in this campaign from what i can tell so far. Definitely going for the upgrade on one of them as well.