The Norman of many talents! Solo variant

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Svartigaldur · 32

Being fairly new to the game I decided to make a Norman that only requires core set and the edge of the earth expansion (since those are the only ones I currently own) I wasn't sure about my ability to create a deck from scratch but yet I went on and dear me! I think I have created a monster! Norman really excelled here and this deck crushed everything from the get go.

Important notes: Mulligan everything until you get your Livre d'Eibon, Shriveling, Arcane Enlightenment or the Encyclopedia. All of them would be a bad day for the bad guys.

Other important cards to hopefully get asap: Occult Invocation (for elite enemies), Celaeno Fragments for the +1 INT and a Prosperous Sketches is great to get the card drawing going quickly.

This deck has the Forced Learning permanent so you start with 45 cards in your deck. Getting through it at a faster pace is wise, using the lab assistant and the sketches to help out is crucial.

The more cards you have on hand the better you become due to the Celaeno and combined with the Shriveling that makes you a beast when attacking. Importantly you need to play the Arcane Enlightenment soon in order to have all 3 hand assets in play at the same time.

Fighting: Usually I keep my Occult Invocation until I get an elite or likewise to pack that extra damage there, having a large hand obviously helps here. Using the Shriveling for other enemies is quite enough and combined you are able to one-shot almost any elite you come across.

Upgrading: The first thing I do is spend 8 XP to add the Brand of Cthugha to my deck but anything goes really. What I recommend is upgrading the following areas in this order:

  1. More damage potential
  2. Better armor
  3. Increased card drawing and resources

I hope you enjoy :)


Dec 21, 2021 LuthOr404 · 40

hey there Very nice deck here ! Although, I think there might be sthg wrong as there are 47 cards in this deck and not 45.

Dec 21, 2021 LuthOr404 · 40

46, sorry