Ursula Found Carcosa (3p)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Phoenix1147 · 3

The end result of Ursula's journey to Carcosa with Diana and Mark. We achieved resolution 2 without too much trouble. Ursula really shined later in the campaign, once I upgraded some of her clue tools. I probably should have invested in them earlier, instead of jumping into Cryptic Research. Two copies of Studious and Death • XIII really helped Ursula shine.

Much to my disappointment, I didn't end up Ornate Bows at all. I also only used Dr. Elli Horowitz 1-2 times in the whole campaign. At least in 3-player (with a dedicated monster-killer and a versatile mystic for teammates), it probably would have been more efficient to remove them in favor of the other copy of Occult Invocation, a Relic Hunter, and a few more clue tools: Seeking Answers, Eidetic Memory, or Perception.

I was always very happy to use Occult Invocation to discard Moonstone or the extra copy of Death • XIII. Hallowed Mirror was also very useful: enabling me to help heal my teammates a few times.

Ursula went through the whole doubt-filled campaign only receiving the 2 mental trauma from our resolution (though she did pick up 4 extra weaknesses). I'd love to play her again, and I hope that a few more useful relics are added to the cardpool.

[Sidenote: I also misread the instructions for the Man in the Pallid mask, so we ended up passing it between our decks for the first half of the campaign (it's only meant to be passed if its controlling investigator is killed or not playing the scenario)].