Parallel-back "Skids" - All the Clues

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ArkhamInteractive · 45

Ran a clue & evade focused Parallel-back "Skids" paired with his bodyguard, Leo Anderson in an epic 2-handed Standard solo campaign through The Forgotten Age. I have run Parellel-front too, but I feel like I am missing a few cards from The Circle Undone to really take advantage of his ability. I quite like the 2 resources = extra action of his OG version.

Carried this deck, equipped from a massive 53 experience, into Shattered Aeons and achieved a successful resolution. The City of Archives got hairy, but could probably run this on Hard and still been fine. It's The Forgotten Age though, you can never be sure. Leo was actually on the brink of death for the latter half but "Skids" was carrying the team, using the Lockpicks/Lola combo (from a mountain of resources accumulated in the early game) to clear the clues, and a clutch Gold Pocket Watch drop to wrangle back some tempo.

"Skids" is typically built to adopt the role of fighter and enemy management, at least his original Guardian off-class options leaned towards that, but he's a very reliable lead-cluever. If you're looking for a non-Seeker to handle clues I can recommend "Skids". He's not a Finn or a Trish - as they have the Seeker off-class and that four intellect - but with some back-up he can go all-in on clues. I also gave Leo some Clue-support tools as we added XP to take a little pressure off "Skids". He was clearing enemies too efficiently and often had nothing to do.

A static intellect boost from Lola is huge (not to mention the ability to buy clues off Faustian Bargain/Hot Streak boons), but he'll rarely break a Lockpick and Flashlight/Perception is enough to clear 3 shroud and lower highly efficiently. The ability to play Fortune cards means that Look What I Found comes in when you drop the ball. For even more reliability you could run Intel Report (he has the resources) but you probably want to conserve them to buy extra actions or use on Lola.

I ran Breaking and Entering to try it out, but I rarely used it for anything but the icon. Deck MVP was probably The Lucky Cigarette Case (3). You only need one. You should find it my mid-game if you're unlucky. Huge in either keeping weaknesses at bay or drawing Hospital Debts at the right time. You're often digging 3-5 deep and because there is no fat every searched card feels useful.