Mark Harrigan in Carcossa Solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Sophie Harrigan’s Guide to Playing the Soldier 896 720 39 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

knightcvel · 19

Deck derived from Sophie Harrigan's Guide to Playing the Soldier, but from a solo perspective. I eliminated all cards relevant to multiplayer, and added .32 colt to increase the odds of getting a weapon sooner in the game. Also inserted another Prepared for the Worst for the same reason. I added Dynamite Blast because it works well with elusive, after evading an elite enemy and going to a connected location it is cool to bring a mighty blow on it. I also added 2x One-Two Punch as another option for not drawing a weapon or even running out of amno in my .32 Colts. I'm a begginer and I would be very glad with any suggestion or criticism.


May 09, 2021 lelel555 · 2605

First aid → Flesh Ward
"If it bleeds…" - depends on the campaign, but usually the horror value is 0 or 1 at most… And it works if you have all your friends at the same spot… which is difficult to do, actually - many things to provide at the same time. And if you're playing solo, then this card is useless :)